

The Future is Now: Hyperloop Stuns Crowds at MWC with Revolutionary Travel System!

Elon Musk's umpteenth project triumphs at Mobile World Congress

The Future is Now: Hyperloop Stuns Crowds at MWC with Revolutionary Travel System!
Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

  • Updated:

Elon Musk does not stop fulfilling his dreams. The billionaire creator of Tesla has already managed to standardize electric vehicles in the automotive market, create his own space agency (SpaceX) with which he will try to take people to Mars and buy Twitter, his favorite social network. But he still has another major goal to achieve: to implement the Hyperloop worldwide.

What is Hyperloop?

The Hyperloop is a joint project of Tesla and SpaceX that consists of a mode of passenger transport through low-pressure tubes. It would be a kind of ultra-high-speed train that would transport the inner capsules at a speed of about 1,200 km/h. That is, faster than an airplane.

Hyperloop - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

To show that this is a viable mode of transport in the future, Musk has brought to the Mobile World Congress a demonstration of the Hyperloop. It is a capsule that travels at 1,200 km/h and promises to be able to travel from Madrid to Barcelona and vice versa in just 30 minutes.

Andrés de León, CEO of HyperloopTT in Spain, told La Vanguardia about the importance of this unique mode of transport, as well as its presence at the congress: “Nowadays, things are interrelated. The automotive industry is present at Mobile because in the end we are talking about something that has to do with connectivity. The capsule, for example, has 85 integrated sensors and has the internet of things”.

El rey visita el Hyperloop, el tren que podría unir Madrid con Barcelona en  30 minutos

So important is this mode of transport that even the king of Spain has visited the MWC to get to know it, as well as the rest of the novelties of the fair. In addition to this great novelty that we have been able to record with our own cameras, there are other great innovations such as an air cab or dozens of innovations in telephony by Samsung or Xiaomi.

Juan Carlos Saloz

Juan Carlos Saloz

Cultural journalist specialized in film, series, comics, video games, and everything your parents tried to keep you away from during your childhood. Also an aspiring film director, screenwriter, and professional troublemaker.

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