

The Perfect Photo: Take Pictures on Your Phone like an Instagram Influencer

The Perfect Photo: Take Pictures on Your Phone like an Instagram Influencer
Carol Vanzyl

Carol Vanzyl

  • Updated:

Influencer marketing has taken online marketing to the next level, especially on Instagram. So, whether influencers annoy the living crap out of you or are their biggest fan, one thing you can be sure of is that they are here to stay! So how can you take great Instagram photos using your phone? I am happy to share inspirational ideas for your feed, and you might gain new followers.

I am sure we all can remember when the first camera phones appeared, and the quality was appalling compared to the high quality we have today (don’t you think)! We can create pretty impressive shots with our phone photography and if you want to stand out above the rest, continue to read further.

If you want to take great photos on your phone, you need to understand a few of the fundamentals of lighting and composition and, most importantly, follow your instincts. Here are a few basic rules to follow.

Natural Light

Any good photo has excellent lighting. Lightning is the first and most essential rule to understand if you want your photos to look great on your phone. At all times, avoid using your flash; instead, opt for natural light, which will give you brighter and richer photos.

A flash can look blurred or flatten out the photo, making your subject appear grainy and distraught. We can’t all take outdoor images all the time, so when you take them indoors, ensure the lighting is good or near windows. If you take pictures at night, find sources like store windows and street lights to create ambient light.

Take perfect photos like an Instagram influencer

Don’t Overexpose

You can light up a too-dark photo with editing tools, but an overexposed image is unfixable. To avoid overexposure, you can adjust the lighting by adjusting exposure: tapping and sliding up or down on the screen.

A more straightforward way to accomplish this is by clicking on the brightest shown on the frame to adjust lighting before you take your shot.

Take perfect photos like an Instagram influencer

Timing is Everything

Yes, there is a golden hour for photographers. The time of day when the sun peaks over the horizon make any photo look stunning. 

It’s Instagram’s nature filter. If you are a midday photographer, embrace the clouds. Avoid taking photos under direct sunlight. If you want a flattering and softer effect, use the clouds to diffuse the sharp light from the sun.

Take perfect photos like an Instagram influencer

The Rule of Thirds

Yes, you want to focus on the arrangement of a photo: the colors, textures, shapes, and all elements that form part of your images.

How do you apply the rule of thirds? Well, it’s a simple balancing method for your image. Your image is divided into a 3×3 grid which aligns the objects or subject in the photo in the grid lines to create balance.

Take perfect photos like an Instagram influencer

Be Authentic and Tell a Story

Staying true to yourself grabs followers’ attention; they want raw material. It feels more authentic to them and more relatable. Authenticity is what influences people to want more and know more.

Tell your story through your images and let them know what you are sharing and what they can expect when they decide to follow you. Make it inspiring and relevant to what you are trying to accomplish with your photos.

Take perfect photos like an Instagram influencer

In the Eye of the Beholder

Capture what you want the world to see and know and embrace nature and elements to create awe-inspiring shots for all to see. But above all, be true to yourself and have fun – followers can see when something is staged and fake!

Carol Vanzyl

Carol Vanzyl

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