

The European Union is already preparing its first law for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence will have unavoidable rules in Europe.

The European Union is already preparing its first law for Artificial Intelligence
Daniel García

Daniel García

  • Updated:

The European Union achieves a milestone once again by being the first major institution to prepare a law to regulate Artificial Intelligence. With it, Europe will seek to ensure that the rapid technological advancements in this field, particularly in generative AI, are not devoid of protections for users on the internet and for European society in general.

It is still a draft, so we will have to wait until the final content of the law that reaches the European Union bodies is revealed. However, despite this, it remains a fundamental step to limit the free will that, in many cases, is causing havoc in various aspects. Europe always looks out for its users, and with this new law, the legal path that these technologies must follow will be clear in Spain and the rest of the EU countries.

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The first law to AI in the world

The European Union, once again, has taken the initiative in the world to set limits on the path that Artificial Intelligence can take in EU territory. With the draft already approved by the European Council, the EU seeks with this regulation that Artificial Intelligence is designed complying with certain basic elements of security and respect for the fundamental rights that govern in Europe.

Multiple problems around AI

Over the past few years, especially in the last year, the rapid development of generative Artificial Intelligence has caused many problems of different types. One of them, for example, is the loss of job stability for many workers, who face unfair competition from companies that offer these services, as there are countless companies that have replaced artists, writers, computer scientists, scriptwriters, or other professions with an Artificial Intelligence whose final result is often of questionable quality.

There are also other serious problems surrounding AI. One of them is the privacy of the information that is shared on the network, which can be used illicitly by these systems. On the other hand, there has also been an increase in cases of frauds and crimes related to AI, whether it’s for plagiarism, crimes such as nude simulation or deepfakes, or the serious environmental problem that involves its enormous energy consumption.

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Daniel García

Daniel García

Graduated in Journalism, Daniel specializes in video games and technology, currently writing for Andro4all and NaviGames, and having written for more Difoosion portals such as Alfa Beta Juega or Urban Tecno. He enjoys staying up-to-date with current affairs, as well as reading, video games, and any other form of cultural expression

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