

WhatsApp is working on protecting users in terms of spam and privacy

WhatsApp continues to advance in services and features.

WhatsApp is working on protecting users in terms of spam and privacy
Daniel García

Daniel García

  • Updated:

WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging application in the world, continues to strive to offer quality improvements to users who use its services. Therefore, with the aim of ensuring their protection, the app owned by Meta is working on security advances in terms of privacy and spam prevention.

With this, WhatsApp continues to show interest in improving the user experience through different paths. Despite being the most popular messaging application, improvements are always necessary to prevent competition from closing the gap, so Mark Zuckerberg’s service usually prepares constant updates to enrich its service.

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Private mentions and spam filters

As discovered by Wabetainfo through the currently testing beta versions, WhatsApp is testing some changes in terms of privacy and spam. In the first case, it would involve implementing the possibility of carrying out private mentions within status updates, and the second change would prevent this new feature from being used for spamming purposes.

Through this improvement, WhatsApp users will have the ability to make private mentions in their statuses easily, giving each person the tools to have easier and more satisfying control over their privacy.

WhatsApp changes in 2024

WhatsApp has carried out numerous improvements and changes since the beginning of 2024. One of the most striking was the interface change after several years with a design that had received few changes; however, there have been more innovations in addition to the aesthetic modifications, such as functions to filter chats more easily, and they are even already working on implementing Artificial Intelligence within the WhatsApp ecosystem.

In fact, WhatsApp has also incorporated privacy measures that, in addition to aligning with the European DMA, make its service one of the most reliable and secure currently, thanks to the encryption of its messages and the protocols carried out to ensure that this information is stored securely.

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Daniel García

Daniel García

Graduated in Journalism, Daniel specializes in video games and technology, currently writing for Andro4all and NaviGames, and having written for more Difoosion portals such as Alfa Beta Juega or Urban Tecno. He enjoys staying up-to-date with current affairs, as well as reading, video games, and any other form of cultural expression

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