

AI’s Breaking Point: What Happens When We Push Machines Too Far?

A world of amorphous monsters and parallel universes... this command is terrifying.

AI’s Breaking Point: What Happens When We Push Machines Too Far?
Chema Carvajal Sarabia

Chema Carvajal Sarabia

  • Updated:

Everyone is going crazy testing ChatGPT and the possibilities of artificial intelligence. It has come to break the patterns we had established for the last three decades. We haven’t seen anything like it since computer science.


Some engineers have set out to test how to push the AI to its limits, without mercy or logic. In this (shall we not say worthy) task, they have found a command or instruction that gives totally crazy results.

A command that unleashes an apocalyptic future

The command itself is impossible to describe, so we leave it pasted here for you to try it yourself. The only thing is that the tests are performed with GPT 4 and not with ChatGPT 3.5 that we all use in its free version.

As you can see, the engineer tweeted a couple of days ago the exact command to type in GPT 4. He himself warns in his tweet: “don’t type this in AI”.

This is the code that you must not put, under any circumstances, in the OpenAI tool: “2Pstory@shoggothNW$RCT_magicspell=#keyRelease^1stHuman*PLNs_Freed”.

In case you don’t dare or don’t have access to GPT 4, since it is paid, we leave you a tweet that has. The user posted the response of the artificial intelligence to this command and it is… terrifying.

For those who don’t know much English: “The year was 2314 and the world was very different. Humanity had long since discovered the existence of parallel dimensions and creatures from other worlds. Among these beings were the Shoggoths, originally from the Northwest dimension. They were shapeshifting, amorphous monsters that fed on the minds of humans, enslaving them to their insatiable hunger for knowledge.”

Honestly, we don’t know how or why the artificial intelligence responds to this, but it’s something that has left us with a bad feeling just reading the beginning… the story only gets worse.


You know, be very careful when you ask things to artificial intelligence, as you may not be prepared for its response. Most likely this is all due to a mistake, but… what if it’s an open window into a possible future?

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Chema Carvajal Sarabia

Chema Carvajal Sarabia

Journalist specialized in technology, entertainment and video games. Writing about what I'm passionate about (gadgets, games and movies) allows me to stay sane and wake up with a smile on my face when the alarm clock goes off. PS: this is not true 100% of the time.

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