

Internet for Children – Protect Your Kids

Advise your kids on how to deal with strangers online

Internet for Children – Protect Your Kids
Priyanka Monteiro

Priyanka Monteiro

  • Updated:
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When you think of the internet, what comes to mind? A vast expanse of possibilities, right? Wrong. There is actually no place on the internet where children can be safe from predators, perverts and sexual abusers. Most online spaces leave children at risk of abuse and harassment. We’re here to tell you why it’s so important to create a safe space for kids on the web and how to do that.

Norton 360 Antivirus (with Parental Control feature) provides parents with a simple way to reduce the impact of online abuse. Children are prime targets for predators and fraudsters, so it’s important for parents to help their kids steer clear of fraudulent websites.

Advise your kids on how to deal with strangers online

If you’re a parent who wants to make sure your kids are safe on the internet, there are a number of tools available to help. The most important thing you can do is to have a conversation with your kids about what happens online and how it relates to real life. You can also look into other tools that can help keep them safe online, like Norton 360 Deluxe and Norton 360 Premium
which comes with the Parental Control feature.

Teach them about cyberbullying

The internet is a place full of opportunities, but it can also be an unsafe place where bullying and harassment can occur. There are a lot of different ways people can get bullied on the internet – from impersonating someone else or sending mean messages to hurting someone physically or sexually but cyberbullying is one of the most common forms of bullying.

We’re here because we want to give you tools to protect your children from cyberbullying so you can be calm and assured when your loved ones are online. You no longer have to worry about them encountering any predators or people out to hurt them.

Let your kids know what’s appropriate to share online

The internet is a great place to learn, but it can also be a dangerous place. It’s important to make sure your children are using the internet safely and responsibly. Kids are naturally curious, and the internet is no different. However, when they’re on the Internet, they should be aware of their surroundings and the surrounding people. Parents can help keep their kids safe by teaching them how to use the web safely.

For starters, parents should talk to their children about what’s appropriate to share online. Kids need to know that posting personal information such as names and addresses online is not okay because it could put them at risk for identity theft or other types of fraud. Parents should also teach kids about how to protect themselves from cyberbullying by recognizing that words written in text form don’t always mean what they appear to mean online. For instance, a person might write something mean-spirited about someone else but not actually mean it – and vice versa!

Set time limits and expectations for their internet use

It’s important for parents to set limits and expectations for their children when they’re on the internet. If you don’t, it’s easy for kids to get into trouble, and it can be hard to tell if they’ve actually learned anything from their time on the internet. Norton 360’s Parental Control feature makes it easy to set limits and expectations for your child’s use of the internet. You can set time limits, block certain websites or applications, and even block all communication with strangers online.

Monitor their digital footprint

Today, it’s more important than ever to make sure your kids are using the internet in an appropriate way. You know that they’re exploring their world through the web, but you may not be aware of how much time they spend online or what they’re doing when they’re there. The amount of time spent on digital platforms has increased, and with so many distractions and social media sites, parents need to monitor their children’s digital footprint.

Norton 360 antivirus provides parental controls that let you set time limits and block access to specific websites or apps. It also gives you granular control over your child’s online activity, allowing you to limit access to specific sites and apps, like social media platforms or video games.

Track their locations on the internet

Whether it’s a Facebook account, an email address, or even a password, you want to make sure that your kids are protected from online dangers. If they’re using a school-issued laptop, you can help them keep track of their location by using Norton.

With Norton, you can set up a filter that will log every website they visit and show you where they are. You can also choose to block specific websites, which means your kids won’t be able to access questionable content. If they have another computer at home or in school and don’t want to use Norton on that device, you can use the log-in feature on their smartphone app or on their computer browser to see where they’ve been online.

Limit their internet access to inappropriate content

The internet is a great place to learn, connect, and be entertained. The trouble comes when kids get access to inappropriate content. For example, they could be looking at a picture of a naked person or watching videos that show others being hurt or killed. The best way to keep your kids safe online is by installing Norton. It blocks all sorts of harmful websites, including those that contain violence, drugs, or other inappropriate content.

Internet for Children


Protect your family from cyber-criminals, trolls, and predators that can cause major problems for you and your family. Be sure to keep your computer and devices up to date with Norton 360 security software which includes Parental Control feature, use the internet safely and responsibly, and ensure you only personalize your computer with reputable sites.

Priyanka Monteiro

Priyanka Monteiro

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