How To

How to install WhatsApp on your iPad or iPod touch

How to install WhatsApp on your iPad or iPod touch
Pier Francesco Piccolomini

Pier Francesco Piccolomini

  • June 23, 2014
  • Updated: March 12, 2024 at 5:29 AM
How to install WhatsApp on your iPad or iPod touch

Contrary to popular belief, it’s possible to install WhatsApp on an iPad or an iPod touch without resorting to a jailbreak.

With a little trick and a simple app,  I’ll explain how you can install WhatsApp on your iPad or iPod, even without a SIM. The procedure takes no more than ten minutes, is simple, and works great.

What you need

In addition to your iPad or iPod touch, you’ll also need:

  • a Mac or PC with iTunes
  • iFunBox, a file manager for Mac or PC that’s used to manage the files on iOS devices
  • an iPhone (used only for a few minutes, you can even borrow your friend’s if you don’t have your own)
  • SIM (this will also serve just as a one-off and only for a few minutes)

The last item must be inserted in the iPhone to install and authorize WhatsApp on your mobile phone. Subsequently, this authorization will be “transferred” to the iPad, as I’ll explain in the next steps.

Since, however, the same phone number can’t be used for WhatsApp simultaneously on two devices, the idea is to use a SIM which isn’t already tied to a WhatsApp account.

1. Download the app on your computer

Open iTunes on your Mac or PC and go to the iTunes Store. Find WhatsApp  for iPhone– there isn’t a specific one for iPad– using the search field, and click on Free to download it.

Find WA in the Store

By doing this, the installation file (.IPA) will be downloaded to Music> iTunes> iTunes Media> Mobile Applications (on both Mac and PC).

For your convenience, drag it to the Desktop.

2. Install WhatsApp on your iPad

Download iFunBox (it’s available for Mac and PC), open it and connect your iPad. Click on Install App.

Browse on your desktop, select the .IPA file, and install the app on your iPad. Disconnect it from your computer.

3. Authorize the app on an iPhone

Install a new version of WhatsApp on an iPhone, using a SIM card that isn’t already linked to a WhatsApp account. If the app is already on your smartphone, delete it and re-install it. Before deleting it, though, back up your chats to iCloud (open WhatsApp, go to Settings> Chat> Backup chat and tap Backup Now). That way, you can restore them when the app re-installs.

If, for example, you have an old SIM card you no longer use, but which can still receive a text (the code to authorize the app will be sent via text message), or maybe a SIM card belonging to a relative or friend who doesn’t use WhatsApp on that number, use that.

The SIM will only serve to activate the app. Then, it can continue to function as normal.

Open WhatsApp on your phone and proceed to register your number. Once you’ve entered the code, which you’ll get via SMS, you can close the app.

4. The iPhone to iPad Transfer authorization

Disconnect your iPad from your computer and connect your iPhone. In iFunBox, choose User Application, find WhatsApp, and double click. Get the Documents and Library folders and drag them to the desktop.

Disconnect the iPhone, connect your iPad, select User Applications> Whatsapp again, open it with a double click, and drag the two folders that you took on your iPhone and “parked” on the desktop.

Subsequently, the iPhone (which contains the authorization), is replaced by the iPad or iPod touch.

5. Open WhatsApp on your iPad and start chatting

If you’ve carefully followed the above steps, WhatsApp should be fully operational on your iPad.

List Chat

WhatsApp without limits

Having WhatsApp on an iPad or iPod touch is nice and convenient. You can surf, chat, or work on the same device, and it’s very easy to use.

In the case of the iPod, since you probably spend most of your time in places covered by WiFi networks, the Apple music player becomes a quasi-iPhone, even more so when WhatsApp will be able to accept voice calls.

If you want to transfer music files on WhatsApp on an iOS device, check out our tutorial on transferring MP3 files via WhatsApp.

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